- defaults: name: tracecompass description: | Nightly build of Trace Compass.

Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder.

project-type: freestyle logrotate: daysToKeep: -1 numToKeep: 2 artifactDaysToKeep: -1 artifactNumToKeep: -1 wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor scm: - git: #url: git://github.com/tracecompass/tracecompass.git url: git://github.com/alexmonthy/tracecompass.git browser: githubweb browser-url: https://github.com/tracecompass/tracecompass branches: - origin/{version} triggers: - pollscm: cron: "@hourly" properties: - github: url: https://github.com/tracecompass/tracecompass ## Templates - job-template: name: tracecompass_{version}_build defaults: tracecompass project-type: matrix node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task axes: - axis: type: slave name: arch values: '{obj:arch}' - axis: type: user-defined name: wm values: '{obj:wm}' - axis: type: user-defined name: SWT_GTK3 values: - "0" - "1" - axis: type: user-defined name: target-platform values: '{obj:target_platform}' - axis: type: user-defined name: java_version values: '{obj:java_version}' wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor - xvfb: installation-name: xvfb auto-display-name: true parallel-build: false screen: 1024x768x24 - timeout: timeout: 120 fail: true type: absolute - env-script: script-content: !include-raw-escape: scripts/tracecompass/set-java-home.sh builders: - shell: !include-raw-escape: scripts/tracecompass/launch-wm.sh - maven-target: maven-version: "Maven 3.3.3" goals: "-version" private-repository: true - maven-target: maven-version: "Maven 3.3.3" goals: clean install -Pctf-grammar,build-rcp private-repository: true properties: - maven.test.failure.ignore=true - eclipse.p2.mirrors=false publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'releng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.releng-site/target/repository/**,rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.product/target/repository/**' allow-empty: false only-if-success: true - junit: results: '**/*.test*/target/surefire-reports/*.xml' - workspace-cleanup - email-ext: recipients: alex@voxpopuli.im matrix-trigger: only-parent - ircbot: strategy: new-failure-and-fixed matrix-notifier: only-parent channels: - name: '#efficios' - job-template: name: tracecompass_{version}_winbuild defaults: tracecompass project-type: matrix node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task axes: - axis: type: slave name: arch values: '{obj:arch}' - axis: type: user-defined name: target-platform values: '{obj:target_platform}' scm: - git: #url: git://github.com/tracecompass/tracecompass.git url: git://github.com/alexmonthy/tracecompass.git browser: githubweb browser-url: https://github.com/tracecompass/tracecompass branches: - origin/{version} git-tool: 'jgit' # Use jgit on windows to work around path too long wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor - timeout: timeout: 120 fail: true type: absolute builders: - maven-target: maven-version: "Maven 3.3.3" goals: clean install -Pctf-grammar,build-rcp private-repository: true settings: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.maven.MavenSettingsConfig1447974054868' properties: - maven.test.failure.ignore=true - eclipse.p2.mirrors=false publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'releng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.releng-site/target/repository/**,rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.product/target/repository/**' allow-empty: false only-if-success: true - junit: results: '**/*.test*/target/surefire-reports/*.xml' - workspace-cleanup - email-ext: recipients: alex@voxpopuli.im matrix-trigger: only-parent - ircbot: strategy: new-failure-and-fixed matrix-notifier: only-parent channels: - name: '#efficios' - job-template: name: tracecompass_{version}_macosxbuild defaults: tracecompass project-type: matrix node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task axes: - axis: type: user-defined name: target-platform values: '{obj:target_platform}' wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor - timeout: timeout: 120 fail: true type: absolute builders: - maven-target: maven-version: "Maven 3.3.3" goals: "-version" private-repository: true - maven-target: maven-version: "Maven 3.3.3" goals: clean install -Pctf-grammar,build-rcp private-repository: true properties: - maven.test.failure.ignore=true - eclipse.p2.mirrors=false publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'releng/org.eclipse.tracecompass.releng-site/target/repository/**,rcp/org.eclipse.tracecompass.rcp.product/target/repository/**' allow-empty: false only-if-success: true - junit: results: '**/*.test*/target/surefire-reports/*.xml' - workspace-cleanup - email-ext: recipients: alex@voxpopuli.im matrix-trigger: only-parent - ircbot: strategy: new-failure-and-fixed matrix-notifier: only-parent channels: - name: '#efficios' ## Project - project: name: tracecompass version: - master - tc-next jobs: - 'tracecompass_{version}_build': arch: !!python/tuple [x86-32, x86-64] wm: !!python/tuple [metacity, unity] target_platform: !!python/tuple [tracecompass-e4.5, tracecompass-eStaging] java_version: !!python/tuple [java-8-openjdk] - 'tracecompass_{version}_winbuild': arch: !!python/tuple [win64] target_platform: !!python/tuple [tracecompass-e4.5, tracecompass-eStaging] - 'tracecompass_{version}_macosxbuild': arch: !!python/tuple [macosx] target_platform: !!python/tuple [tracecompass-e4.5, tracecompass-eStaging]