rm -f pan* trail.out .input.spin* *.spin.trail .input.define touch .input.define cat .input.define >> pan.ltl cat DEFINES >> pan.ltl spin -f "!(`cat urcu_free.ltl | grep -v ^//`)" >> pan.ltl cp urcu_free_nested.define .input.define cat .input.define > .input.spin cat DEFINES >> .input.spin cat urcu.spin >> .input.spin rm -f .input.spin.trail spin -a -X -N pan.ltl .input.spin Exit-Status 0 gcc -O2 -w -DHASH64 -o pan pan.c ./pan -a -v -c1 -X -m10000000 -w20 warning: for p.o. reduction to be valid the never claim must be stutter-invariant (never claims generated from LTL formulae are stutter-invariant) depth 0: Claim reached state 5 (line 742) Depth= 3880 States= 1e+06 Transitions= 1.18e+07 Memory= 527.190 t= 9.48 R= 1e+05 Depth= 3880 States= 2e+06 Transitions= 2.39e+07 Memory= 588.225 t= 19.6 R= 1e+05 Depth= 3880 States= 3e+06 Transitions= 3.61e+07 Memory= 649.260 t= 30.3 R= 1e+05