## Jobs - job: name: integration_ust-2.12-lower-urcu_testsuite project-type: pipeline dsl: !include-raw: pipelines/integration/ust-2.12-lower-urcu_testsuite.groovy - job-template: name: 'integration_lttng-tools-{version}-32-64_testsuite' description: | Integration pipeline for multi-bitness scenario (32/64). This essentially tests frontier scenario where the bitness between component changes.

Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder.

project-type: pipeline dsl: !include-jinja2: pipelines/integration/lttng-tools-_version_-32-64_testsuite.groovy.inc - job: name: integration_lttng-tools-32-64_test project-type: freestyle concurrent: true node: 'amd64-rootnode' properties: - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 2 wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor - timeout: timeout: 6 fail: true type: no-activity parameters: - string: name: 'ARTIFACT_ID' default: 'null' description: 'The ID of the artifact to download.' - string: name: 'BT_VERSION' default: 'stable-2.0' description: 'The version of babeltrace to use.' - choice: name: 'TEST_TYPE' description: 'The test to perform.' choices: - 32bit-sessiond - 32bit-relayd - 32bit-cli - canary builders: - copyartifact: project: 'babeltrace_${BT_VERSION}_linuxbuild/platform=deb12-amd64,conf=std,build=std' which-build: last-successful stable: false filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps-64' do-not-fingerprint: true - shell: !include-raw: scripts/integration/32-64/build.sh publishers: - postbuildscript: mark-unstable-if-failed: true builders: - role: SLAVE build-on: - SUCCESS - UNSTABLE - NOT_BUILT - ABORTED - FAILURE build-steps: - shell: !include-raw-escape: scripts/integration/32-64/gather_tap_result.sh - tap: results: 'tap/**/*.*' fail-if-no-results: true failed-tests-mark-build-as-failure: true todo-is-failure: false output-tap-to-console: true include-comment-diagnostics: true plan-required: true show-only-failures: true verbose: true - archive: artifacts: 'tap/**' allow-empty: false ## Views - view-template: name: 'Integration' view-type: list regex: 'integration[-_].*' ## Projects - project: name: integration views: - 'Integration' jobs: - 'integration_ust-2.12-lower-urcu_testsuite' - project: name: integration-32-64 jobs: - 'integration_lttng-tools-{version}-32-64_testsuite': version: master babelversion: stable-2.0 urcu_version: master - 'integration_lttng-tools-{version}-32-64_testsuite': version: stable-2.13 babelversion: stable-2.0 urcu_version: stable-0.13 - 'integration_lttng-tools-{version}-32-64_testsuite': version: stable-2.12 babelversion: stable-2.0 urcu_version: stable-0.13 - 'integration_lttng-tools-32-64_test'