import hudson.matrix.* import hudson.model.* import jenkins.model.* import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritCause; import; // Iterate over all jobs and find the ones that have a hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData // as an action. // // We then clean it by removing the useless array action.buildsByBranchName // def jobPattern = "dev_gerrit_.*" def matchedJobs = Jenkins.instance.items.findAll { job -> =~ /$jobPattern/ } for (job in matchedJobs) { println("job: " +; def changes = [] for (build in job.getBuilds()) { println(" build: " + build.number); // Skip currently building builds if (build.isBuilding()) { println(" Is building, skip it."); continue } // Keep only the last build of a Gerrit Change if (build.getCause(GerritCause.class) != null && build.getCause(GerritCause.class).getEvent() != null && build.getCause(GerritCause.class).getEvent().getChange() != null) { Change change = build.getCause(GerritCause.class).getEvent().getChange() if (changes.contains(change)) { println(" Is not the latest for change " + change.getId() + ", delete it."); build.delete() continue } else { changes.add(change) } } // Delete successful and aborted builds if (build.result.toString() == 'SUCCESS' || build.result.toString() == 'ABORTED') { println(" Is SUCCESSFUL / ABORTED, delete it."); build.delete() continue } // It is possible for a build to have multiple BuildData actions // since we can use the Mulitple SCM plugin. def gitActions = build.getActions(hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData.class) if (gitActions != null) { for (action in gitActions) { action.buildsByBranchName = new HashMap(); hudson.plugins.git.Revision r = action.getLastBuiltRevision(); if (r != null) { for (branch in r.getBranches()) { action.buildsByBranchName.put(branch.getName(), action.lastBuild) } } build.actions.remove(action); build.actions.add(action);; } } if (job instanceof MatrixProject) { for (run in build.getRuns()) { println(" run: " + run); gitActions = run.getActions(hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData.class) if (gitActions != null) { for (action in gitActions) { action.buildsByBranchName = new HashMap(); hudson.plugins.git.Revision r = action.getLastBuiltRevision(); if (r != null) { for (branch in r.getBranches()) { action.buildsByBranchName.put(branch.getName(), action.lastBuild) } } run.actions.remove(action); run.actions.add(action);; } } } } } }