Linux Trace Toolkit Requests Servicing Schedulers Mathieu Desnoyers, 07/06/2004 In the LTT graphical interface, two main types of events requests may occur : - events requests made by a viewer concerning a traceset for a ad hoc computation. - events requests made by a viewer concerning a trace for a precomputation. Ad Hoc Computation The ad hoc computation must be serviced immediately : they are directly responding to events requests that must be serviced to complete the graphical widgets'data. This kind of computation may lead to incomplete result as long as precomputation are not finished. Once precomputation is over, the widgets will be redrawn if they needed such information. A ad hoc computation is done on a traceset : the workspace of a tab. Precomputation Traces are global objects. Only one instance of a trace is opened for all the program. Precomputation will append data to the traces attributes (states, statistics). It must inform the widgets which asked for such states or statistics of their availability. Only one precomputation must be launched for each trace and no duplication of precomputation must be done. Schedulers There is one tracesetcontext per traceset. Each reference to a trace by a traceset also has its own tracecontext. Each trace, by itself, has its own tracecontext. Let's define a scheduler as a g_idle events request servicing function. There is one scheduler per traceset context (registered when there are requests to answer). There is also one scheduler per autonomous trace context (not related to any traceset context). A scheduler processes requests for a specific traceset or trace by combining time intervals of the requests. It is interruptible by any GTK event. A precomputation scheduler has a lower priority than a ad hoc computation scheduler. That means that no precomputation will be performed until there is no more ad hoc compuation pending. When a scheduler is interrupted, it makes no assumption about the presence or absence of the current requests in its pool when it starts back. Foreground Scheduler There can be one foreground scheduler per traceset (one traceset per tab). It simply calls the hooks given by the events requests of the viewers for the specified time intervals. Background Scheduler It has its own events requests pool. It services them just like a foreground scheduler. The difference comes in that there may be duplicated requests : for instance, statistics computation for a trace can be asked by two viewers at the same time. Another difference is that the hook_data of theses requests will typically be NULL, and the typical hook function will be located in a library upon which the viewer depends. A viewer is informed of the completeness of its request by its after_request hook registered along with the events request. Hooks Lists In order to answer the problems of background processing, we need to add a reference counter for each hook of a hook list. If the same hook is added twice, it will be called only once, but it will need two "remove" to be really removed from the list. Two hooks are identical if they have the same function pointer and hook_data. EventsRequest Structure This structure is the element of the events requests pools. The viewer field is used as an ownership identifier as well as pointer to the data structure upon which the action applies. Typically, this is a pointer to the viewer's data structure. In a ad hoc events request, a pointer to this structure is used as hook_data in the hook lists The typical case for a background computation is that the hook_data will be set to NULL instead. No particular hook_data is needed as this type of request does only modify trace related data structures which are available through the call_data.