enum KernelVersioning { MAJOR,MINOR,REVISION,BUILD } class BasicVersion implements Comparable { int major = -1 int minor = -1 int revision = -1 int build = -1 int rc = -1 String gitRefs // Default Constructor BasicVersion() {} // Parse a version string of format X.Y.Z.W-A BasicVersion(String version, String ref) { gitRefs = ref def tokenVersion def token if (version.contains('-')) { // Release canditate token = version.tokenize('-') tokenVersion = token[0] if (token[1]?.isInteger()) { rc = token[1].toInteger() } } else { tokenVersion = version } tokenVersion = tokenVersion.tokenize('.') def tagEnum = KernelVersioning.MAJOR tokenVersion.each { if (it?.isInteger()) { switch (tagEnum) { case KernelVersioning.MAJOR: major = it.toInteger() tagEnum = KernelVersioning.MINOR break case KernelVersioning.MINOR: minor = it.toInteger() tagEnum = KernelVersioning.REVISION break case KernelVersioning.REVISION: revision = it.toInteger() tagEnum = KernelVersioning.BUILD break case KernelVersioning.BUILD: build = it.toInteger() tagEnum = -1 break default: println("Unsupported version extension") println("Trying to parse: ${version}") println("Invalid sub version value: ${it}") //TODO: throw exception for jenkins } } } } String print() { String ret = "" if (major != -1) { ret += major if (minor != -1) { ret += "." + minor if (revision != -1) { ret += "." + revision if (build != -1) { ret += "." + build } } } if (rc != -1) { ret += "-rc" + rc } } return ret } @Override int compareTo(BasicVersion kernelVersion) { return major <=> kernelVersion.major ?: minor <=> kernelVersion.minor ?: revision <=> kernelVersion.revision ?: build <=> kernelVersion.build ?: rc <=> kernelVersion.rc } } def kernelTagCutOff = new BasicVersion("4.0", "") def modulesBranches = ["master","stable-2.5.0","stable-2.6.0", "stable-2.4.0"] def linuxURL = "git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git" def modulesURL = "git://git.lttng.org/lttng-modules.git" // Linux specific variable String linuxCheckoutTo = "linux-source" String recipeCheckoutTo = "recipe" String modulesCheckoutTo = "lttng-modules" def linuxGitReference = "/home/jenkins/gitcache/linux-stable.git" String process = "git ls-remote -t $linuxURL | cut -c42- | sort -V" // Check if we are on jenkins // Useful for outside jenkins devellopment related to groovy only scripting def isJenkinsInstance = binding.variables.containsKey('JENKINS_HOME') // Split the string into sections based on | // And pipe the results together def out = new StringBuilder() def err = new StringBuilder() Process result = process.tokenize( '|' ).inject( null ) { p, c -> if( p ) p | c.execute() else c.execute() } result.waitForProcessOutput(out,err) if ( result.exitValue() == 0 ) { def branches = out.readLines().collect { // Scrap special string tag it.replaceAll("\\^\\{\\}", '') } branches = branches.unique() List versions = [] branches.each { branch -> def stripBranch = branch.replaceAll("rc", '').replaceAll(/refs\/tags\/v/,'') BasicVersion kVersion = new BasicVersion(stripBranch, branch) versions.add(kVersion) } // Sort the version via Comparable implementation of KernelVersion versions = versions.sort() // Find the version cut of def cutoffPos = versions.findIndexOf{(it.major >= kernelTagCutOff.major) && (it.minor >= kernelTagCutOff.minor) && (it.revision >= kernelTagCutOff.revision) && (it.build >= kernelTagCutOff.build) && (it.rc >= kernelTagCutOff.rc)} // Get last version and include only last rc def last def lastNoRcPos last = versions.last() if (last.rc != -1) { int i = versions.size()-1 while (i > -1 && versions[i].rc != -1 ) { i-- } lastNoRcPos = i + 1 } else { lastNoRcPos = versions.size() } String modulesPrefix = "lttng-modules" String kernelPrefix = "dsl-kernel" String separator = "-" // Actual job creation for (int i = cutoffPos; i < versions.size() ; i++) { // Only create for valid build if ( (i < lastNoRcPos && versions[i].rc == -1) || (i >= lastNoRcPos)) { println ("Preparing job for") String jobName = kernelPrefix + separator + versions[i].print() // Generate modules job based on supported modules jobs def modulesJob = [:] modulesBranches.each { branch -> modulesJob[branch] = modulesPrefix + separator + branch + separator + jobName } // Jenkins only dsl println(jobName) if (isJenkinsInstance) { matrixJob("${jobName}") { using("linux-master") scm { git { remote { url("${linuxURL}") } branch(versions[i].gitRefs) shallowClone(true) relativeTargetDir(linuxCheckoutTo) reference(linuxGitReference) } } publishers { modulesJob.each { downstream(it.value, 'SUCCESS') } } } } // Corresponding Module job modulesJob.each { job -> println("\t" + job.key + " " + job.value) if (isJenkinsInstance) { matrixJob(job.value) { using("modules") multiscm { git { remote { name(kernelPrefix) url("${linuxURL}") } branch(versions[i].gitRefs) shallowClone(true) relativeTargetDir(linuxCheckoutTo) reference(linuxGitReference) } git { remote { name(modulesPrefix) url(modulesURL) } branch(job.key) relativeTargetDir(modulesCheckoutTo) } } steps { copyArtifacts("${jobName}/arch=\$arch", "linux-artifact/**", '', false, false) { latestSuccessful(true) // Latest successful build } shell(readFileFromWorkspace('lttng-modules/lttng-modules-dsl-master.sh')) } } } } } } // Trigger generations def dslTriggerKernel = """\ import hudson.model.* import hudson.AbortException import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException def jobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items def fail = false def jobStartWith = "${kernelPrefix}" def anotherBuild jobs.each { job -> def jobName = job.getName() if (jobName.startsWith(jobStartWith)) { def lastBuild = job.getLastBuild() if (lastBuild == null) { try { def future = job.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build)) println "\\tWaiting for the completion of " + HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + job.url, job.fullDisplayName) anotherBuild = future.get() } catch (CancellationException x) { throw new AbortException("\${job.fullDisplayName} aborted.") } println HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + anotherBuild.url, anotherBuild.fullDisplayName) + " completed. Result was " + anotherBuild.result build.result = anotherBuild.result if (anotherBuild.result != Result.SUCCESS && anotherBuild.result != Result.UNSTABLE) { // We abort this build right here and now. fail = true println("Build Failed") } } else { println("\\tAlready built") } } } if (fail){ throw new AbortException("Some job failed") } """ def dslTriggerModule = """\ import hudson.model.* import hudson.AbortException import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException def jobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items def fail = false def jobStartWith = "JOBPREFIX" def anotherBuild jobs.each { job -> def jobName = job.getName() if (jobName.startsWith(jobStartWith)) { def lastBuild = job.getLastBuild() if (lastBuild == null) { try { def future = job.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build)) println "\\tWaiting for the completion of " + HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + job.url, job.fullDisplayName) anotherBuild = future.get() } catch (CancellationException x) { throw new AbortException("\${job.fullDisplayName} aborted.") } println HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + anotherBuild.url, anotherBuild.fullDisplayName) + " completed. Result was " + anotherBuild.result build.result = anotherBuild.result if (anotherBuild.result != Result.SUCCESS && anotherBuild.result != Result.UNSTABLE) { // We abort this build right here and now. fail = true println("Build Failed") } } else { println("\\tAlready built") } } } if (fail){ throw new AbortException("Some job failed") } """ if (isJenkinsInstance) { freeStyleJob("dsl-trigger-kernel") { steps { systemGroovyCommand(dslTriggerKernel) } } modulesBranches.each { branch -> freeStyleJob("dsl-trigger-module-${branch}") { steps { systemGroovyCommand(dslTriggerModule.replaceAll("JOBPREFIX",modulesPrefix + separator + branch + separator)) } } } } }